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The database with 10,893 Placard descriptions is fully searchable. The search function may be combined with the search in the Marginalia and Realia databases. In some instances, the texts of placards are also inserted in the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle. But it might happen that a placard  in the Daily Journals is not listed in the published volumes. Therefore the database cannot be considered a comprehensive database of all placards issued by Batavia Castle. The date of placards may also be compared with the Realia, in which some placards are also mentioned.

You searched for: Governor is H. Brouwer. We found 83 results. hide search form

Volume Date issued Description Governor
Volume 1, pages 382-387 Oct. 15, 1635 Vernieuwing van de bepalingen nopens het ijkwezen. Eedformulier voor den ijkmeester. H. Brouwer
Volume 1, page 387 Dec. 27, 1635 Uitschrijving van een vast- en bededag wegens het vertrek van den Gouverneur-Generaal, H. Brouwer, met de retourvloot naar Nederland; wegens het „behouden vaeren desen jaere van alle des Compagnies gaende ende comende schepen, etc.” H. Brouwer
Volume 1, pages 387-400 1635 Instructie, enz. voor de Advocaten en Procureurs in Indië. H. Brouwer