Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
July 9, 1672 De gedane oncosten nae redelijckheyt tegemoet te comen file 2475, folio 382
July 11, 1672 De Geregtigheyt in de Straet Sunda file 2475, folio 382
July 12, 1672 Resolutie over de saecken van het eylandt Ceylon ende de Franse scheepsmagt file 2475, folio 382-383
July 12, 1672 Vercoren en gecontinueerde Inlantse borger crijgsofficieren file 2475, folio 383-386
July 12, 1672 Item der Nederlantse en Inlantse ruyterij file 2475, folio 386
July 12, 1672 En parade van deselve file 2475, folio 386-387
July 13, 1672 Buuren, Spanbroeck en Voorhout naer Japan file 2475, folio 387-389
July 13, 1672 Het jagt Bleyswijck uyt de Straet Banca file 2475, folio 389-390
July 13, 1672 Wimmenum in de Straet Sunda file 2475, folio 390
July 14, 1672 De Geregtigheyt uyt het vaderlant file 2475, folio 390
July 15, 1672 Wimmenum uyt het vaderlant file 2475, folio 390-391
July 15, 1672 Jacob Havenmeester binnenregent van het hospitaal 50 guldens toegeleyt file 2475, folio 391
July 15, 1672 Cranesteyn volle premie toegeleyt file 2475, folio 391
July 15, 1672 Cornelis Valkenier en Gustavus Hansen opcomst uyt Tonquin file 2475, folio 391
July 15, 1672 Albert Brevink wederom tot opperhooft file 2475, folio 391
July 15, 1672 En Cornelis Verburgh tot secunde file 2475, folio 391
July 16, 1672 De hoeker de Pagadeth naer Ceylon file 2475, folio 392
July 16, 1672 De Eendragt naer Japara file 2475, folio 392
July 19, 1672 Het jaght Laaren in de Straet Sunda file 2475, folio 393
July 19, 1672 Het Stight Uytregt ses maandige premie file 2475, folio 393