Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
July 31, 1670 Gedoopte file 2473, folio 278
July 31, 1670 Dooden file 2473, folio 278
July 31, 1670 Javanen file 2473, folio 278
Aug. 1, 1670 De Swemmer en Zeelt na Ceylon file 2473, folio 279
Aug. 1, 1670 Inlantsche borgers trecken op file 2473, folio 279-280
Aug. 2, 1670 En briefjen van Bantam file 2473, folio 281-282
Aug. 3, 1670 De Vliegh na Bantam file 2473, folio 282
Aug. 5, 1670 Pegu en Wimmenum over Jaffnapatnam nae Chormandel file 2473, folio 282-283
Aug. 5, 1670 Terboede verkocht aen den borger Andries Hartman file 2473, folio 284
Aug. 6, 1670 De Pimpel na Malacca file 2473, folio 284
Aug. 7, 1670 De Vliegh van Bantam file 2473, folio 284-285
Aug. 10, 1670 Gorcum naer Malacca file 2473, folio 285
Aug. 12, 1670 De Beurs van Japara over Macassar file 2473, folio 285-287
Aug. 12, 1670 De Eerwaarde Cornelis Pays en Petrus Wijtens tot predicanten van Batavia te verkiesen file 2473, folio 287
Aug. 15, 1670 De Fransen toegestaen haer schult aen de Compagnie met marcksilver te betalen file 2473, folio 287-288
Aug. 17, 1670 De Vliegende Swaen naer Colombo file 2473, folio 288
Aug. 19, 1670 Verloopen intresten alhier tot vergrootingh van het capitael aen te nemen file 2473, folio 288
Aug. 21, 1670 Leendert Leenderts gewesen opperhooft tot Wingurla geeft een relaes over ‘behelsende een verhael van ’s Compagnies gelegentheyt tot Wingurla’ file 2473, folio 288-289
Aug. 22, 1670 Durgendam, Caneelboom, Blauwen Visscher, Witte Leeuw, Hilversum, Spreeuw, Vlieger en Molenaer naer Bengale file 2473, folio 289-291
Aug. 24, 1670 Brant buyten de stadt op twee plaetsen file 2473, folio 291-292