Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
Sept. 12, 1659 De besending naer Mocha desen jare op te schorten file 2460, folio 317
Nov. 10, 1659 ’t Gallot Ens een keer na Bantam te laten doen file 2460, folio 382
Nov. 17, 1659 De fluyt den Oyevaer aendermael na Japara om […] te laten seylen file 2460, folio 391
Dec. 6, 1659 De retourvloot den 15e aenstaende afscheyt te geven file 2460, folio 407
Dec. 6, 1659 En den 11e deser maent een bedendag deswegens te houden[13] file 2460, folio 407
Jan. 31, 1661 Leeuwinne naer Amboina te senden file 2461, folio 51-52
Feb. 15, 1661 Het nagelsoeken te continueren file 2461, folio 72
June 3, 1661 Scheepsvolk op kostgelt te stellen file 2461, folio 312
July 13, 1661 Rijs te sluyken onmogelijk file 2461, folio 390
July 21, 1661 Over Engelant aen d’Heeren Seventhien te schrijven file 2461, folio 417
July 21, 1661 Een gallot nae Bantam te senden file 2461, folio 418
Aug. 12, 1661 Maleyse kerk aen te besteden file 2461, folio 453
Aug. 26, 1661 Besending aen den Mogol te doen file 2461, folio 468
Aug. 28, 1661 [’s Compagnies loge te Macassar] file 2461, folio 475-476
Oct. 16, 1661 Capitein Joan Dutton “genegen om het eyland Run in possessie te nemen” file 2462, folio 555
Oct. 20, 1661 Sultan laet een goude kroon te maken file 2462, folio 590
Jan. 13, 1665 [Het jacht de Saphier aff te leggen] file 2466, folio 13
Jan. 16, 1665 Rosolutiën [de reekening der provisiën te examineren] file 2466, folio 24
Feb. 6, 1665 [Het schip den Eliphant aff te leggen] file 2466, folio 51
April 10, 1665 [Sparendam nae Japan over Siam te senden] file 2466, folio 174