Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
Feb. 24, 1659 Desselfs inhout file 2460, folio 54-55
April 17, 1659 Inhout des brieffs file 2460, folio 117-120
May 5, 1659 Desselfs brieffs inhout file 2460, folio 146-147
June 13, 1659 Inhout desselvens brieffs file 2460, folio 202
July 23, 1659 Desselfs inhout file 2460, folio 246-247
July 31, 1659 Inhout desselfs brieffs file 2460, folio 258
Sept. 2, 1659 Inhout desselfs Engelsen brieffs file 2460, folio 309-310
Sept. 13, 1659 En inhout des brieffs door den Engelsen agent geschreven file 2460, folio 319-320
Sept. 13, 1659 Desselfs brieffs inhout file 2460, folio 320-321
Nov. 10, 1659 Desselfs inhout file 2460, folio 380-381
Dec. 29, 1659 Desselfs brief inhout file 2460, folio 433-435
Oct. 1, 1690 Inhoudt desselfs file 2506, folio 461
Oct. 14, 1740 Inhoudende dat 200 Chinesen verjaagt sijn en 2 suykermolens vernielt file 2571, folio 758
June 24, 1693 Inhoud desselfs file 2511, folio 545
Sept. 1, 1693 Inhoud desselfs file 2511, folio 719
Sept. 22, 1693 Inhoud desselfs file 2511, folio 771
Dec. 12, 1693 Inhoud desselfs file 2511, folio
March 19, 1688 De corten inhoud daaruyt file 2503, folio 124
March 3, 1686 Desselfs inhoude file 2500, folio 247-248
March 15, 1686 Inhoud daarvan file 2500, folio 321-323