Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
Sept. 30, 1674 Aengehaelde goederen file 2477, folio 292-293
Sept. 30, 1674 Justitie file 2477, folio 293
Sept. 30, 1674 Javanen file 2477, folio 293
Sept. 29, 1674 De Blauwen Hulk uyt het vaderland over de Caab file 2477, folio 286-287
Sept. 29, 1674 Duynvliet van Suratta over Chormandel en Malacka file 2477, folio 288
Sept. 29, 1674 Twee sententiën ter dood geapprobeert file 2477, folio 288
Sept. 28, 1674 Advys van den Blauwen Hulk in de Straat file 2477, folio 286
Sept. 28, 1674 Schrijven oock van Bantam file 2477, folio 286
Sept. 28, 1674 Het jagt Ougli aff te leggen ende aen de rivier te doen sinken file 2477, folio 286
Sept. 27, 1674 De Rijsende Sonne, Beurs en Cabeljauw na Japara file 2477, folio 285-286
Sept. 26, 1674 De Roos van Bantam file 2477, folio 284-285
Sept. 25, 1674 Twee sententiën ter dood van schepenen geapprobeert file 2477, folio 284
Sept. 24, 1674 De Sampson over Malacka van Chormandel file 2477, folio 283-284
Sept. 24, 1674 Verscheyde advisen daermede erlangt file 2477, folio 284
Sept. 24, 1674 Kraenesteyn ende Rheenen voor St. Thomé verongelukt file 2477, folio 284
Sept. 23, 1674 De Goudvink en de Snaeuw na Poulo Timaon om op de Japansvaerders te cruyssen file 2477, folio 283
Sept. 22, 1674 Antwoordbriefje aen den Engelsen agent tot Bantam per den Engelsman Mr. Albertus Willoughby file 2477, folio 282
Sept. 22, 1674 De chialoup de Roos na Bantam met schrijven aen den resident Caef file 2477, folio 282-283
Sept. 22, 1674 Schrijven per borger naer Amboina file 2477, folio 283
Sept. 21, 1674 Het jagt Ougli en de Swarte Leeuw van Japara file 2477, folio 281