Search Letters

The index of thousands of diplomatic letters can be searched by entering one or more search fields. As all letters do have a source location, destination location, and the name of the ruler who wrote the particular letter, searching with one or more of these search fields will generally give good results. To filter still further the number of results, it is possible to set a time frame. Selection can lead to one or more results. Each result can be clicked on, invoking the browse page on the exact position of the letter in the scans of the original volume of the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle.

You searched for: Ruler is La Patau. We found 34 results. hide search form

Inserted on Description Archive Reference
Jan. 11, 1701
Original Date: Jan. 11, 1701
Source: Batavia
Destination: Bone
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2521, folio 16-17 
July 6, 1700
Source: Batavia
Destination: Bone
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2520, folio 352-354 
May 24, 1700
Source: Bone
Destination: Batavia
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2520, folio 254-255 
May 21, 1700
Original Date: May. 21, 1700
Source: Batavia
Destinations: Bone, Makassar
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2520, folio 245-245 
Feb. 15, 1700
Original Date: 1700
Source: Batavia
Destination: Bone
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2520, folio 90-92 
Sept. 10, 1699
Source: Bone
Destination: Batavia
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2519, folio 592-596 
Feb. 16, 1699
Original Date: Feb. 15, 1699
Source: Batavia
Destination: Bone
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2519, folio 118-132 
Oct. 29, 1698
Sources: Bone, Soppeng
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2518, folio 631-634 
Oct. 29, 1698
Source: Bone
Destination: Batavia
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2518, folio 634-636 
March 10, 1698
Original Date: Mar. 7, 1698
Source: Batavia
Destinations: Bone, Makassar
Notes: The government general of The VOC wrongly interpreted the King of Bone as the ruler in Macassar. Therefore letters were sent to 'king Bony in Macassar'...
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2518, folio 156-169 
Oct. 25, 1697
Sources: Bone, Makassar, Soppeng
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2517, folio 776-783 
June 29, 1697
Source: Bone
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2517, folio 484-493 
March 8, 1697
Original Date: Mar. 5, 1697
Source: Batavia
Destination: Bone
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2517, folio 194-201 
Nov. 28, 1696
Source: Bone
Destination: Batavia
Ruler: La Patau
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2516, folio 947-947