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The index of thousands of diplomatic letters can be searched by entering one or more search fields. As all letters do have a source location, destination location, and the name of the ruler who wrote the particular letter, searching with one or more of these search fields will generally give good results. To filter still further the number of results, it is possible to set a time frame. Selection can lead to one or more results. Each result can be clicked on, invoking the browse page on the exact position of the letter in the scans of the original volume of the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle.

You searched for: Location is Ternate. We found 376 results. hide search form

Inserted on Description Archive Reference
March 5, 1688
Original Date: Feb. 26, 1688
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2503, folio 106-109 
Aug. 12, 1689
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Notes: De eerste brief van fol. 520-527, gedateerd ‘Den 12e van de maant ramalaen op een donderdagh in ’t jaer 1100 naa de vlugt van den Propheet’; de tweede brief van fol. 528-432 waar de tekst afbreekt.
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2505, folio 520-532 
Oct. 29, 1689
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2505, folio 784-786 
Oct. 29, 1689
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2505, folio 787-787 
Oct. 29, 1689
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2505, folio 787-788 
Feb. 16, 1690
Original Date: Feb. 11, 1690
Source: Batavia
Destination: Ternate
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 65-68 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Notes: Sultan Sultan Said Fathu'llah only officially started ruling in 1692, yet VOC administration appears to hve addressed him as the official ruler after Sibori's end of term in 1690. See Muridan Widjojo's The Revolt of Prince Nuku, 123
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 438-439 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 439-440 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 440-440 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 441-442 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 442-443 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 443-444 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 444-444 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 444-446 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 446-446 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 447-448 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 448-448 
Sept. 24, 1690
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2506, folio 448-450 
May 10, 1691
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2507, folio 208-209 
Sept. 3, 1691
Original Date: 1691
Source: Ternate
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2507, folio 390-393