Search Letters

The index of thousands of diplomatic letters can be searched by entering one or more search fields. As all letters do have a source location, destination location, and the name of the ruler who wrote the particular letter, searching with one or more of these search fields will generally give good results. To filter still further the number of results, it is possible to set a time frame. Selection can lead to one or more results. Each result can be clicked on, invoking the browse page on the exact position of the letter in the scans of the original volume of the Daily Journals of Batavia Castle.

You searched for: Location is Johor. We found 120 results. hide search form

Inserted on Description Archive Reference
March 18, 1707
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2530, folio 171-172 
March 18, 1707
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2530, folio 172-172 
March 18, 1707
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2530, folio 173-173 
April 26, 1713
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2538, folio 230-234 
April 27, 1713
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2538, folio 236-240 
Aug. 23, 1713
Original Date: Aug. 21, 1713
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2539, folio 731-734 
May 9, 1725
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Notes: aen daeying matara tot Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2558, folio 257-258 
Dec. 31, 1744
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Dutch (translated)
file 2575, folio 316-316 
July 14, 1750
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Language: Dutch (original) Arabic Malay (translated)
file 3592, folio 35-38 
July 15, 1750
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Notes: Severely damaged; unreadable
Language: Dutch (original) Arabic Malay (translated)
file 3592, folio 39-40 
June 21, 1755
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3571, folio 195-198 
March 26, 1764
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3573, folio 170-171 
March 21, 1766
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3573, folio 417-419 
April 8, 1766
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Language: Dutch (original) Arabic Malay (translated)
file 3587, folio 505-508 
March 28, 1768
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3573, folio 675-679 
Aug. 12, 1768
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Language: Dutch (original) Arabic Malay (translated)
file 3587, folio 509-512 
April 19, 1769
Original Date: Feb. 21, 1769
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3574, folio 156-158 
April 19, 1769
Original Date: Mar. 6, 1769
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3574, folio 159-160 
June 1, 1769
Source: Batavia
Destination: Johor
Language: Dutch (original) Arabic Malay (translated)
file 3587, folio 513-516 
March 22, 1770
Source: Johor
Destination: Batavia
Language: Arabic Malay (original) Dutch (translated)
file 3574, folio 301-304