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The realia research database can be searched in full text by entering one or more keywords. One of the subject names may be used as a keyword to start with. To limit the number of results, it is possible to set a time frame. After selecting one or more results, the researcher can click on the realia item invoking the browse page on the exact position in the published Realia.

Via a search in the realia researchers may find more hits for the realia subjects. For instance, the subject ‘Banjermassing’ includes 229 results or realia. When a researcher looks for for ‘Banjermassing’, the number of relevant realia is 350. When researchers subsequently click on ‘Date’, these 350 hits will be chronologically ordered. When a researcher clicks on one realia item, for instance the one of 6 February 1660 she will navigate to the time frame of that particular realia. This way of navigating makes it possible to compare the text of the realia  selected with other realia from that particular month or year to check a possible link to other decisions of the Supreme Government, or to take notice of other facts and events around the selected realium. In this case of Banjermassing, researchers will see how that particular realium fits into the context of twenty-two rather randomly selected decisions taken over the years by the Supreme Government on shipments and trading missions in the category of ‘besending’. The same realium, however, is also categorized under Banjermasin.

You searched for: Subject is Quinam. We found 9 results. hide search form

Date Description Archive Reference Subject
Feb. 21, 1619 Geärresteerd den Koning van Quinam met een vlootje van vijf jagten te bezoeken, om hem te kastijden zo hij de Compe geen satisfactie wil geven over diverse snode feiten, 21 Februari 1619. file 853, folios 269-270, 495, 582 Quinam
June 3, 1619 De bovenstaande expeditie van geen succes geweest zijnde, werd een andere gearresteerd, 3 Juni 1619. file 853, folios 557-558, 582 Quinam
June 27, 1664 Men sal tragten dies Koning te disponeeren, om zijne Gesanten na Batavia te senden, 27 Juni 1664. file 876, folios 300-302 Quinam
May 18, 1652 Weder den oorlog aan te doen, 18 Mei 1652. file 866, folios 45-48 Quinam
April 12, 1612 Breede dispositie om den Koning van Tonquin tegens den Koning van Quinam met kragt van wapenen te adsisteren en om wat redenen, 12 April 1612. Quinam
Jan. 13, 1651 De gevangenen van daar op Batavia in vrijheid te stel­len, 13 Januari 1651. file 865, folios 100-106 Quinam
April 25, 1651 Desselfs Koning de vreede aan te bieden, en Gesanten na Champello te senden tegens ult0 Oct, 25 April 1651. file 865, folios 167-169 Quinam
April 12, 1660 De Jonken, naar derwarts vertrekkende, gepermitteert Palembang te mogen aandoen, 12 April 1660. Quinam
March 15, 1659 Den handel aldaar bij continuatie aan de Bataviasche Ingezetenen te permitteeren, 15 Maart 1659. file 871, folio 54 Quinam