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You searched for: areaName is Ternate. We found 21 results. hide search form

Volume Date Description Area
Volume 6, page 500 Mar. 6, 1782 contract number: MCXLIII - 1143
name kingdom: Ternate
description: Uit het Contractenboek X no. 18 op het Arsip Negara te Djakarta.
place signed: Ternate
signed by Asians: Padoeka Sri Maha tuan sultan Iskandar Malekiel Moelkiel Monawaroes Saydikoel Moharam Siah Kitchil Patra Aharal koning van Ternaten
signed by Europeans: Alexander Cornabe, Hemmekam, J.G. W. Heinrich, G. F. Durr, W.F. Mertz