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You searched for: areaName is Ambon. We found 43 results. hide search form

Volume Date Description Area
Volume 3, page 299-300 Jul. 6, 1682 contract number: CDLXIV - 464
name kingdom: Xula Teljabo
description: Het Contractboek. ook in het Daghregister van Batavia, 1682, blz. 1156-1157, en in de Overgecomen brieven 1683, vijffde boeck, folio 69.
place signed: casteel Victoria Amboina
signed by Europeans: Isaäc de Visscher
Volume 4, page 381-385 Aug. 29, 1711 contract number: DCLXXXVIII - 688
name kingdom: Ambon
description: De Overgecomen brieven 1712, 11de boeck, afdeeling Ambon, folio 90, e.v.
place signed: Hila fortresse Amsterdam
signed by Asians: Kilakeling, patty Coembang, orangkay Aly, Kakipatty, Titalessy, Capasety, Simatau, patty Soulissa, Patty Atta.
signed by Europeans: Jacob Bottendorp, A. N. Brussel
Volume 6, page 265-268 May. 6, 1766 contract number: ML - 1050
name kingdom: Ambon
description: Uit de Overgecomen brieven 1767, 29 ste boeck, le afdeeling, folio 211 en volgende.
place signed: Ambonia
signed by Asians: Tjotjo Ternati, Bodjul, Sedo.
signed by Europeans: W. Fockens, J.H. d'Villeneuve, J.A Schilling